Our promotional email ensemble helped investors better understand and quantify the magnitude of changes in the intensity and aggressiveness that apparel brands such as Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF), American Eagle (AE) and Guess (GES) are sending. As weather has warmed, our promotional ensemble reveals robust demand growth as consumers previously stuck at home load up on “going out” summer apparel.
Our promotional ensemble quantifies the changes such as key declines in the volume of email campaigns, the distribution discounts offered.

Successfully channelling rebounding demand for swimwear, AEO’s Aerie has further throttled back its promotions.
AEO’: 80% drop in indentive emails
Our tracking on an sector basis reveals AEO has become one of the least aggressive promotors compared with its peers compared with just a year ago.
AEO: Sharp decline in total promotional activity compared to peers
For Guess, our email intelligence allows investors to quantify the exact campaign frequency and intensity. As can be seen below, Guess is pushing out significant promotions and discount coupons much less frequently than a year ago as organic demand has rebounded.